The word “fertility”, do we ever think it will be an issue until it’s too late??

Well, after losing my hearing and making due, I finally began to search for another purpose in life to start a family, but…NOPE! Second Diagnosis: Infertile. I couldn’t create children with my own eggs and DNA, but I could still make them…what?! I have been training my whole life for this, took care of myself, good diet, worked out, never smoked...
“HELLO!! Yep, I waited too long despite my body was healthy and looked youthful, the good old eggs went to crap!"
After 9 artificial inseminations, one miscarriage, and the first batch about to transfer by Invitro Fertilization, I came to find out all four of my amazing grade A embryos were not genetically viable. Our 2 boys and 2 girls. They said they would not survive the first year of their lives.
I remember it like it was yesterday, the day I got the news on the phone that my embryos were not viable.
I was walking the dogs with my husband and I collapsed on the sidewalk in shock. We both were. I started feeling those insecurities a woman feels that she is unworthy, and my husband deserved the chance to have his own children. Was our marriage going to struggle if I was the reason he couldn’t have them? So many emotions flooded my mind, and once again I became determined without hesitation to figure out all options to create my happy ever after. I was a fighter, and not a quitter…to say the least.
I called the egg donor department the next day. My husband wasn’t quite there yet, but I was and I wasn’t willing to wait for my destiny to happen. I had a world-renowned Dr. right here in Denver, and with divine intervention and a bit of science, I was going to make this happen.
After my first egg donor attempt failed, you will see a pattern going on here. You can’t give up, so I tried again with a repeat donor who was successful in the past. yes, that means we’d have other half siblings out there (2 sets of twins and one single) to be exact. What an experience it would be for them all to meet some day!
Unfortunately, we had another failed transfer with the first 2 of the last batch of 4 perfect embryos. With no explanation, I was told to do yet another endometrium biopsy (horrible by the way), and we implanted our last 9th and 10th embryos. God and the Universe help us…because this was it. Adoption?? Possibly…
Thousands of dollars of later, like paying for an ivy league college tuition, and dozens of hormonal injections which made me absolutely cray cray at times, there they were…
Meet Gavin and Leyden!! I did it!!! I made these beautiful children in my body and what a mind-blowing journey!!! I can’t tell you how horrific, yet worth it is to look and kiss these kiddos every day, and they know this Momma fought hard for them. Hard.

Now I can breath….yeah right!!! TWINS!! Here we go!